Payment options


The product price is the price displayed at the time of ordering. Shipping charges are added when applicable and vary according to the destination of the order. Our shipping charges can be seen under the topic Shipping costs.

All prices are displayed in euros (EUR) and include value added tax (VAT). Please note that when ordering products outside Finland, VAT is determined according to the country of delivery. The final price will be shown at checkout. Items shipped outside of the EU are VAT free. Please note that additional customs, duties and brokerage charges may apply depending on the destination and will be collected at the time of delivery. Balmuir is not responsible for these charges.

Your placed order represents a purchase order to Balmuir. The sale becomes binding when we receive payment and dispatch the order to you. The Balmuir Web Store reserves the right to reject orders at its own discretion. Payment must be received prior to accepting an order. We accept the following credit and debit cards: Visa, Visa Electron and MasterCard. The Balmuir Web Store saves your order data. If you wish to receive a printout of your order, you can print out an “Order Confirmation”. This order confirmation will appear on your screen once you have completed the process by clicking on “Place Order” and once your credit card information has successfully been processed. Furthermore, you will receive the order confirmation with all given data by email, which may be printed out as well.


Payment service provider

Paytrail Oyj (2122839-7) acts as an implementer of the payment handling service and as a Payment Service Provider. Paytrail Oyj will be shown as the recipient in the invoice and Paytrail Oyj will forward the payment to the merchant. Paytrail Oyj is an authorized Payment Institution.

Paytrail Oyj, business ID 2122839-7
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Phone: +358 207 181830


Paytrail Oyj (FI2122839) provides netbank related payment transfer services in co-operation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. For consumer the service works exactly the same way as traditional web payments.



When you choose an invoice as the payment method, you will receive the products you ordered before paying. You can also divide your purchase into smaller parts after receiving the invoice. You must pay at least the minimum amount stated on the invoice by the due date. A reminder invoice of five euros will be charged for delayed payment.

At the time of purchase, a credit decision is made, in connection with which your address and credit information can be checked. The credit provider is Walley (Norion Bank AB). If your application is not accepted, you can choose another payment option. Campaign conditions, such as credit establishment fee, interest-free and expense-free payment period or other special conditions related to the campaign apply, when the Borrower has chosen to pay in accordance with the campaign conditions in connection with the purchase. The campaign conditions apply only to the purchase in question. More detailed campaign conditions are presented when making a purchase.


Read more about Walley here.



You can also divide your purchase into smaller parts for a longer payment period. You will receive a monthly account statement with the required minimum amount. At any time, you can also pay larger installments or the entire open balance at once without additional costs.

At the time of purchase, a credit decision is made, in connection with which your address and credit information can be checked. The credit provider is Walley (Norion Bank AB). If your application is not accepted, you can choose another payment option. Campaign conditions, such as the credit establishment fee, interest-free and cost-free payment period or other special condition related to the campaign, are applied when the Borrower has chosen to pay in accordance with the campaign conditions during the purchase. The campaign conditions apply only to the purchase in question. More detailed campaign conditions are presented when making a purchase.


Read more about Walley here.




Betalningsförmedlingstjänsten utförs och som leverantör står Paytrail Oyj(2122839-7) i samarbete med banker och kreditinstitut. Betalningar med Visa Electron eller MasterCard-kort syns Paytrail Oyj som mottagare i korträkningen och även förmedlar betalningen till köpmannen. Paytrail Oyj har verksamhetstillstånd för betalningsinstitut beviljat av Finansinspektionen. Vid klagomål ber vi er i första hand vara i kontakt med nätbutiken.

Paytrail Oyj, FO-nummer: 2122839-7
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Telefon: +358 207 181830


Vid betalningar via nätbanker genomför Paytrail Oyj (2122839-7) betalningsförmedlingstjänsten i samarbete med banker och kreditinstitut i Finland. För konsumenten fungerar tjänsten exakt på samma sätt som vid traditionell e- betalning.